Fire Intervention Response Education Scheme (FIRES)

Fire Intervention Response Education Scheme (FIRES) is an education intervention programme aimed at those aged between 4-17 years who have developed a fascination with fire and who have potentially placed themselves and others at risk.

During this programme, we will also address issues such as the dangers and consequences of behaviour such as making hoax or malicious calls, and the misuse of fireworks.

What FIRES covers

Our community fire safety team will work with the young person and their families to deliver individualised educational interventions, including:

  • Delivering key fire safety messages to the young person and their family.

  • Raising awareness of the dangers of fire, hoax calls, fireworks as appropriate.

  • Consequences of the young person’s actions.

Our staff will adapt the interventions to the young person’s needs and situation with a variety of resources.

We can also support the family with promoting fire safety messages and risk reduction in the home.

Please Note: If the child or young person currently has a criminal case or prosecution relating to fire setting, arson etc. then we may not be able to complete the interventions until this is concluded.

We educate young people about the dangers of fire
firefighter educating young person about the dangers of fire

How to make a referral

To make a referral, please complete a copy of our referral form (begins document download) and once completed, please return this to (opens a new draft email).

Please Note – We require consent from a parent or guardian to complete these interventions and without, we will be unable to proceed.

Contact us

For more information about FIRES, please contact SMÖØ¿Ú today. Call us on 01772 862545.